About NFPD, History of NFPD & Meet the Chief
The Nampa Fire Protection District operates under the vision of:
Excellence - Service - Strength in Unity
and through the core values of:
Teamwork, Integrity, Compassion, Professionalism, and Safety
The Nampa Fire Protection District operates under the vision of:
Excellence - Service - Strength in Unity
and through the core values of:
Teamwork, Integrity, Compassion, Professionalism, and Safety
Chief Carpenter has dedicated his life to the fire service and began working at NFPD in 1998.
My personal leadership philosophy is based on the core value of integrity and the "Platinum Rule". I believe that when I do the right things for the right reasons and treat others even better than the way I wish to be treated, it will establish trust, commitment, and connection with those around me. I believe sharing my personal leadership philosophy will help our members develop an understanding of what I expect from them -- and create a framework from which you can hold me accountable. Above all, I believe following these principles will allow me to positively impact the lives of those around me. My leadership philosophy is a living document which continues to develop as I learn and grow. I will be sure to revisit this philosophy often an update the members of our district when changes are made.
I will earn credibility by putting my utmost attention and efforts towards the positive growth of the department while keeping my families well-being and health the highest priority. I will approach my days with an optimistic outlook and positive attitude. Those around me have approval to remind me when there is not a smile on my face. We have the best job in the world, and I want to enjoy it and have that represented in both my verbal and non-verbal communication. I will set achievable and measure goals for myself and my team members. I will express gratitude and acknowledge efforts that contribute to the progress of our department. Lead by example by making sure my actions are aligned with the districts Mission Statement and Core Values. I will find ways to create opportunity and a positive working environment.
Board of Commissioners, Prevention Bureau, NFPD Chiefs & Administration Team
To contact a chief please
Call NFPD Administration 208-468-5770 & leave a message indicating which Chief you would like to speak to.
The Prevention Bureau main phone number is 208-468-4751
Training Division is Located at 300 W. Railroad Nampa, ID 83687
Reach Administration at 208-468-5770
The NFPD Board of Commissioners is an elected oversight governing board that meets monthly.
View All current locations Nampa Fire operates
If you need to reach a station, please reach out to NFPD Administration at 208-468-5770 rather than calling a station directly.
9 12th Ave. S, Nampa, ID 83651
Fax - 208-899-8405
300 W. Railroad, Nampa, ID, 83687
Station Tours, Ride-Along, Firefighter Visits, Car Seats
Smoke Alarm Program, Fire Escape Plan, Carbon Monoxide, Red Cross Programs
Firework Information, Hazardous Material Removal, Burn Permits, Fire Extinguishers
Download Smoke Alarm Program Information
See Fire Escape Plan Information
See Carbon Monoxide Information
Download Red Cross Programs Information
Excellence | Service | Strength in Unity
2nd Monday of each month at 6pm | Nampa Fire Training - 300 W. Railroad St. Nampa Find meeting links on our Facebook!
Find meeting links on our Facebook!See past Commissioner Meeting notes and minutes
CPR Class Registration
AED Loaner Program
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View Career Information
Apply for a Burn Permit
9 12th Ave. S, Nampa, ID 83651
(208) 899-8405
(208) 468-5770
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